Developer Toolbox v5.1, December, 1995
Hot Stuff Listing of Contents
This page is dedicated to articulating HOT RECOMMENDS
from the janitor's tricorder
based on the DT universe as it manifested in November, 1995
Haeberli Universe Subtree:
- pstools, A Collection of
PostScript Processing Tools for the IRIS, provides 25 programs (16
new, 3 significantly updated) combining operations with/on PostScript
files with IRIS GL.
- imgscr, 26 new scripts
combining the power of different programs in imgtools & pstools
to perform extended image processing operations.
- imgtools, Image
Processing Tools for the IRIS, now contains 218 programs
(85 new, 27 sig. upd.) including 31 (12 new, 6 sig. upd)
convert from and 26 (9 new, 1 sig. upd) convert
to SGI imagelib image file format programs.
- A toolbox-version of Paul's GRAPHICA Obscura, Collected
Computer Graphics Hacks, includes extending his Image Production for the
Web document with links into the haeberli subtree of all source code the
programs described are generated from.
- fonttools, contains 27
programs (6 new, 4 sig. upd.) combining operations with/on polygonal
outline font format files and IRIS GL, and tons of font files in
Digital Media:
- 1995 inst images of SGI's
Speech Recognition Project.
- 1995 version 1.1 of the SGI
DIGITAL VIDEO Specificiation, includes a description of the Indy
Video (34 pin) Digital Video connector.
- cineswipe,
allows you to record your GL or OpenGL based application's graphics
into a digital movie file (SGI, QuickTime, JPEG) without touching
the application itself. This functionality is exemplified by a
technique for substituting DSO functions in any DSO-based application.
- contcapt, a
converted OpenGL version of the VL contcapt program.
- RFC is again up-to-date --
most recent rfc == rfc1870 -- and now possesses VERY BOSS
interface thanx to Robert
- Installing and
Running IRIX on a Drive Other Than Drive 1, describes two
techniques: installing IRIX on a disk drive other than the one
configured as SCSI device 1, and booting from a disk drive other than
the system disk. In addition, this article documents related features
of the PROM monitor, sash, and the miniroot.
- DSOsecurity - DSO
Function Authentication.
An example of how to protect DSO function calls from being intercepted
or replaced. An application or licensing code developer can use
DSOauth in their application such that they can protect their DSO
function calls from being intercepted or replaced (eg. preventing
substitution of the gettimeofday call in a license verification
routine) without giving up any of the features of DSOs.
- Software Solutions to
EISA Hang Problems. If your EISA board driver causes your system
to hang unexpectedly, you could try to solve the problem by using one of
several hardware debugging options. The solution, however, might be
software-related. This article describes how to correct EISA hang
problems by
- Preempting EISA boards
- Disabling EISA Refresh Memory Cycle
- A sample SCSI kernel-level
DAT driver controls a DAT tape drive and demonstrates how to
communicate with SGI's SCSI controller driver and issue commands to
a target drive and receive data from it.
- IRIX 5.3-based SGI class source for
- OpenGL documentation
and sample
code for IRIX 5.3 extensions + patch154.
- contcapt, a
converted OpenGL version of the VL contcapt program.
Open Inventor:
- The Open Inventor Course's class
source helps applications programmers master a sophisticated
library of object-oriented 3-D building blocks designed to take
advantage of Silicon Graphics hardware features with minimal programming
effort. Students learn to write graphics applications using a library
of objects that can be reused, customized, and extended to meet new
Texture Mapping:
- IRIS InSight Professional
Publisher Product Evaluation Software -- the IRIX 5.3 extension to
5.2's sgihelp_dev is here. This
software enables technical writers to create InSight books, SGI help
cards, and hardcopy manuals, all from a single FrameMaker source
- efscopy, a powerful tool to VERY
quickly clone an entire disk's contents. efscopy provides FAST
disk-cloning--faster than partition-to-partition copy of sash cp (see
Advanced Site and Server Guide); restore an efscopy'ed image file
onto multiple target devices simultaneously, e.g. sash cp can't do what
efscopy file target1 target2 ... can do.
- Preparing to Upgrade to IRIX 6.2 accompanying the coffcheck script, provides the
method to identify COFF (IRIX 4) binaries and replace them with the ELF
binaries that IRIX 5 and later releases employ.
Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.